
First class Friday!

By kate blue - Friday, April 09, 2010

TGIF everybody...and first up is my Friday Scrapgal....an online diva who I Sooo wish I could meet IRL even though I have no idea where she lives (lol); I just know it ain't Maryland or anywhere near the DMV area- I was a big fan of hers from scrapbook.com and even before I knew she had a blog....she's like most of us, a partner, a mom, a friend and an extremely crafty chick (can I say she's a badass scrapper??? yes I can coz it's my blog) and she's into the card making thing right too so that's a bonus AND she's also designing for Keandra @ kreatorville so...without further ado, give it up for Charity, aka Chary or, aka Chairity which is how I spell it when I'm typing really fast!

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  1. You know I've only taken my cue from my Queen.......YOU! From one Badass to another......Love You!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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