
It was a black kinda day....

By kate blue - Thursday, June 17, 2010

use your imagination, fill in the blanks, make it your own crappy day too if you see fit...just stuff going on and I am exhausted!  but, in order to turn my frown upside-down and for others to stop TRYING to steal my joy, I thought I'd scout (virtual window shopping) around for some  "black" stuff that would make me very very HAPPY :) if I had them IRL  :)
L to R: Cuff Bracelet by Aranwen @Etsy.com, Angela Jackson handbag, iPad by Apple, boots by shoppourporter.com

Tomorrow is a new day thank God!

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  1. Ooooo! Lovin' those boots!!!

  2. Ditto..Those boots yumm.

  3. fantastic bag, hope your black day turns sunshine yellow :D


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