
Let the cleanup begin!

By kate blue - Friday, June 18, 2010

WARNINGYOUR EYES WILL HURT LOOKING AT THIS MESS!! ooohh, this room is nothing short of a pigsty and I've just been too busy (translation=too lazy) to really really clean it....but since I have some projects due, have to work this weekend and also have company coming over next week, I SHALL get busy for an hour or so TODAY before I'm off to work!  Will offer some goodies for sale for my 'summer JuneTeenth sale' (it's how I'm liberating myself)** A portion of all sales will go Aidan's fund sinCe I canceled the June 27th crop.... So.... here goes!!  {WILL POST PICKS OF SALE ITEMS FRIDAY NITE}

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  1. Hi there! Good luck with the clean up - never a fun task but always feels soooo good when done!! Now I have to take my own advice . . .
    Your pages below are just stunning! I love your use of color - so much life there. Thank you too for entering my giveaway, Kristin xo


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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