
Play date!!

By kate blue - Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summer time means hustle and bustle, tons of personal stuff to do all over the weekend while still squeezing in family chores and obligations...so while our fundraiser for Aidan has been tabled until October, I still had a few gals who wanted to come play anyway today!  Finally got to meet this lovely diva, the ultra fabulous Miss Darlene who came my way from being a follower over at Candy Shoppe...I saw that she was from the same glorious state that I was, we became blog friends and the next thing I know, I'm inviting her over to crop and she accepted the invite!!  It's so awesome when blog friends become real life friends dontcha think!!???  So some of my diva scrappers came over and we had a great day of food, fun and fab creations...of course I got next to nothing done but it's all good... :) 
 and as part of our potluck ,look what yummy treat Darlene brought for the Queen!
Dirt pie and wasn't the presentation soooo creative??  May have to copy this idea! It was as yummy as it looked too!

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  1. Haha! I really did have such a good time. For sure let me know about a next time! :)

  2. That's SO cool you two got to meet IRL.


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