
blog hopping and finding talented folks

By kate blue - Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I blog hop and usually check out you out, then your friends, then friends of friends, who then come back and check out my  friends and the circles get bigger...well, sometimes I accidentally get to folks blogs without knowing how I got there and then am blown away...I think somebody nominated this girl Michelle to be on the CC DT...I clicked on her blog and was like shazzammm!!  Check out what she does with BAGS (I only posted a small pic of my favorite one since I wasn't sure if it was ok with her) ...and cards too...yup, I said

photo courtesy of www.michelle philippi.com
" bags" (think brown bags but she upscales them with this cool window-YOU then decorate them yourself) and stash~!  She's having a BIG birthday giveaway so hop over, check her out and the bags too) and spread the word!!!

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  1. Anonymous1:20 PM EST

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