
Mom Cave party...

By kate blue - Tuesday, October 26, 2010

for those of you who follow me on Facebook, you've heard me mention the "Other Kate", the crafty one, the DIY chick, the one who can come over to 6420 @ any time for some improvement projects, the one who I mentioned at the Sass Lass blog last week  and won their goodies since they wanted to know what site inspired me the most...well, she's got something BIG this week that is right up my Diagon Alley (yeah, also I'm still counting the days to the Harry Potter movie too)...Censational Girl is teaming up with Home Goods to help some of us in the "Mom Cave"  decor area...although I prefer to describe my space as the "studio" I definitely can use some assistance. TONS of it.

We are to show some pics of the space (and if you can believe it,  I'm gonna show it without cleaning it up since I've been working on 2 Design Team projects and it's a HUGE MESS and there's no time to straighten it-you guys know I'm usually kinda pretty neat )...

tv corner
desk area

recycled chair-NOT a Queens throne for sure

mismatched catch all area
My job, in 200 words or less is to answer this:  How would a $250 gift card help you create your own ‘Mom Cave’?   MY ANSWER:  The main problem I can say about my Cave is that it lacks a theme, it's all old handmedowns from the 90's. It lacks shelves for all my altered art creations and family photos that I love to display, it simply lacks cohesiveness AND since I'm down in the basement where there are no windows, my lighting boils down to 6 strategically placed mismatched lamps that have been donated from friends.  I so desire a tranquil, artsy and somewhat coordinated space (not matchy matchy though) that shows my eclectic flair for all things "Royal," fit for me, the Queen of Crafting, yet still be a comfy space since my kids do their homework, watch tv & craft down here with me.  Coordinated table and desk accessories in my favorite colors, maybe a new table and matching chair from Home Goods would just allow me to come down here and just worry about MY mojo!  It would just be like a whole rejuvenation for me....since Kate and I don't live anywhere near each other, Home Goods is less than 5 miles away...Hey, a girl can wish right??!!!

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  1. Anonymous9:59 AM EDT

    You have some really great foundation pieces. A little more organization and some comfy places to relax between the frenzy and you would have a super Mom Cave.
    Good luck with the contest!

  2. So glad I found this contest on your blog Kat. I decided to enter too. I'm wishing us both luck!

  3. Kate, you are hilarious! I truly enjoyed reading this post, and would love to meet you someday. Keep up the great blogging and good luck in this contest!


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