
New challenge is up @ CSD and this time,

By kate blue - Monday, October 25, 2010

we're rocking the NUMBERZ game!  It's a quick challenge, but you can do it!!   You'll have until October 31st (Halloween-told u it was quick) to submit your creations here.
To submit your creations to this challenge make sure you are a Sweetheart of C.S.D. (Follower).  Also, make sure you are rocking out our Link Badge on your blogs in a visible area with a working link leading back to C.S.D.  and, You HAVE TO make sure to mention our wonderful sponsor BlueMoonScrapbooking in your blog posting with your creations.  It's pretty simple and look at the goodies up for grabs: 

and to assist you with the deadline, we're actually using a sketch done by the talented Amy O, aka Snap Crackle Pop....
    and here's my layout....can't wait to see what you can do !!!

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  1. Ima check this one out!
    I need a sketch. I love your title!!!



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