
Scrap this weekend for Candy! and my Friday Scrapgal

By kate blue - Friday, November 26, 2010

Candy Shoppe that is...Hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a wonderful one and is gonna squeeze in some scrappin time this weekend!  We still have the 2 challenges up {Dirty Little Secret and Hear Us Roar) until the 30th, so keep sending us your creations!  We also have a guest designer joing us this week, somebody that may not be new to you, you may know her from Webster's Pages or from the Color Room, but she surely is new to me and she is totally awesome!!!...Please put your hands together for my Friday Scrapgal....STEPH DEVLIN!!!

STEPH D-she rocks huh??

She gives us this fantastic tutorial @ CSD for making her wonderful rosettes,

and I'm sure she would not understand why I cannot make those rosettes to save my life-ask my friend Darlene, I am challenged in this are and in all thing flowers.  So, hop over to Candy Shoppe and link us up to some eye candy!!  Don't forget BlueMoonScrapbooking is our sponsor this month is handing out this yummy (which I so want but can't win): I spy, keys, bling, rubons, trim and more...you have  3 days...

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  1. LOL to your impossible rosettes technique! It's really not that hard! HAHA


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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