
I've been tagged! Fab Friday ya'll

By kate blue - Friday, December 24, 2010

It's almost THAT day...are you ready?  If not, que sera sera...relax and let it flow-the same stuff will be in the same stores in January  LOL...I haven't been creating but will do some next week with friends for sure.  So, in the meantime, I have been tagged by Mel, and she wants me to do THE LIST OF FOUR !!  Here it goes:

4 shows that I watch:
1. Hoarders/Hoarders Buried Alive
2. Real Housewives of Atlanta
3. What Not to Wear
4.  Glee

4 things I am passionate about:
1. Thing 1 and Thing  2

2. traveling { to Disneyworld and anywhere else
we can afford}
3. scrapbooking & minibooks
4. books {reading}*cool book pic courtesy of http://sayhi-todesign.blogspot.com/  

4 words/phrases I say a lot:
1. Awesome !
2. Totally awesome! !
3. What the @$# is your problem- it starts with an F (I know, I have a potty mouth-I need Orbitz gum-I'm working on it is all I can say)
4. Stop being so lazy !! {my family hates to REALLY look for stuff }

4 things I've learned from the past:
1. Life does give you lemons, we made lemonade
2. Try not to complain-There's always someone who has it worse than you.
3. Be prayerful and thankful-God had a different path for us and it's made us better parents.
4. What I know in my 40's darn sure ain't what I knew in my 20's and 30's-I was dumb then
4  Places that I would like to go:
1.  Australia
2.  Bonaire
3.  Panama
4.  Greece

4 Things I did yesterday:
1.Christmas shopping
2. went to my LSS
3. helped a friend look for a new blanket
4.  took my son out on a dinner date :)  {just me & him}

4 Things you are looking forward to in 2011:
1.  employment
2.  losing weight and getting in better shape
3.  getting a new dishwasher {don't laugh, I DISLIKE washing dishes tremendously}
4.  Brandon making more progress developmentally and in his speech production :) :) :)

4 Things you love about the winter:
1. I get to stay in the house {don't like cold/snow}
2.  I don't have to drive often OR far
3.   hmm....Peapod grocery delivery service
4.  making homemade soup

That's it!  Now I have to tag 4 of you to play along!!  I'm tagging some of my DT Peeps from Paper Issues team:

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  1. Much love amd Merry Christmas to you and your family Kate!

  2. Anonymous9:41 AM EST

    I watch Hoarders when I catch it on too...I can't believe some of those houses!? And I don't have a dishwasher either, so I'm with you on wanting one, but at the same time, I find washing dishes almost therapeutic now. I know, weird, huh? ;-)


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