
Tim Holtz...does this guy ever sleep??

By kate blue - Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Day ONE of the 12 tags of Christmas started in the wee hours of the am today...OMG is all I can say, this guy must dream creatively.  Check this out!  Awesome right???
and you know he DID NOT/WOULD NOT use cardboard for the house like some/most of us would; he actually did each piece one by one.  details at his blog of course; don't feel inadequate...he's just awesome. Can't wait for day 2.

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  1. Anonymous5:35 AM EST

    ООО, Супер статья! Подписался на RSS, буду следить =)

  2. Anonymous5:08 PM EST

    Уживам тачно како сте добили свој ниво током


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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