
Wonderful Wednesday...and what could be better

By kate blue - Wednesday, December 22, 2010

than being inspired by a group of talented crafters?  Hope over to Scrappers of Color (SOC for short)- a celebration of creative women of color and the many shades which reflect our rainbow. Get inspired today and also see the vid that's up by Tiare...for those of you in the holiday spirit, she's got 7 Days of Kwanzaa and Christmas giveaways to some awfully lucky viewers!  And if you aren't in the spirit yet, you will be when you see all the goodies she's got to give away!  I personally am feeling a new kit right about now! Again, be good to yourself and find time during the hustle and bustle of the holidays for some crafting of the adult kind; your kids won't mind {REALLY} :)

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