
Follow me Friday

By kate blue - Friday, February 25, 2011

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....rather than just feature one Friday scrapper, I thought I'd share some of MY blog followers with you over the course of the next few Fridays !!! I am working on trying to add some altered art project creators (ya'll are up next week) so on this FABULOUS FRIDAY, I'm featuring some totally awesome card makers with you!!! 
Since they've moved my show, What Not to Wear to Tuesdays nights and there's nothing on the tube on Fridays, I am actually gonna make a card for my dad tonight { go ahead and gasp} and do some crafting with the remaining goodies left in my Counterfeit Kit...anyway, thanks for allowing me to share my blog friends with you...hope you are inspired along the way and become followers/friends of some really great crafters...and leave some royal L-O-V- E for them too won't you ??!! 

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  1. Awwww! Thank you soooo much for the love. Much much appreciated!



Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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