

By kate blue - Monday, April 18, 2011

and no, this isn't my cute cup...I drink from a plain cream colored ginormous jumbo-tron mug...Rhoda from Southern Hospitality is reviewing Seattle's Best Coffee  (they serve it @ Columbia xing Borders btw) AND adding a smooth giveaway (NOT a getaway although that would be fun too) in there to boot....

 I would say what the giveaway is, but that wouldn't leave you in suspense would it??!! Trust and believe, it is a LEVEL 5...I'll give you one hint....the prize has "this" in it..$ 100.....Hop over here to her direct link @ her blog HERE (and lurk around too-it's full of other cool stuff-I so love her laundry room and her BLUE guest room LOL) and enter today!!!!

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