

By kate blue - Tuesday, May 31, 2011

HOPE EVERYONE HAD A WONDERFUL LONG WEEKEND...that's the sign of Memorial Day when the pool opens...we don't have one here but thank goodness my daughter's friends have one where they live!  We spent hours at the mall looking for a bathing suit that would appeal to both the "prudish" mom and the "tween" and what happens???  She ends up wearing the one piece!  Aint that a bleep!  BUT, she's still beautiful :) (and thank goodness for the one-piece right??)** Scored at Gap for $6 bucks!!

meanwhile, the boy child can still wear swim trunks from when he was 5...or was it 4??

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  1. A swimsuit that you BOTH can live with and for only $6 - doesn't get much better than that!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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