
Terrific Tuesday!

By kate blue - Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hey everybody, hope your week has started off to a great start!  It's that time of the year AGAIN...no, not vacation....my BIRTHDAY!  And to kick it off, I decided a few years ago (2010) when I chose my OLW -Identify-see below) that I wanted to take a whole WEEK to celebrate my birthday.  That way, I can celebrate with family and friends and not have to choose one over the other.

 So, since my daughter is still away at camp, this was the weekend for friends...I kicked off Friday nite over at the Girls Night Inn in Virginia....OMG, I love this house!  This wasn't my first time but this was the first time I met the owner, the super gorgeous and friendly Ms. Detra !! (and tell me next time to take about 5 pictures-since I have the corrupted SD card and all but one shot got corrupted)...........................
so anyway, me & my posse (my best friends, my new friends and my true friends) descended upon the hills of the Virginia countryside for food, fun, craftyness and more!

 Yup, "more" means laughter, fellowship, birthday cake and champagne!

They surprised me with candles, gifts and a yummy cake ya'll!  And since nobody's done that in YEARS (and I do mean years -at least 7, cause I usually have both hands in it and there's no surprise) it was truly a tearful and heartfelt moment and one I will treasure forever! There truly is nothing like a real surprise and it was extremely special for me :):) 
so if you haven't booked your weekend away, you probably should contact Detra soon! Here's some pics from the last time I was there with Missy and other friends-(that's why you see stuff in rooms).....I'm so glad she introduced me to the place :) :)

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