
it's a Terrific Tuesday! and a RAK winner!!!

By kate blue - Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Blow the horns!  All the gifts for the adopted families are sorted, wrapped and ready to be delivered tomorrow...the LRFH team rocked this project !!  They gave and gave and gave and for that, 3 families will now have presents under their tree this year!  What a blessing both for the givers and the receivers - THIS is what Christmas is truly about.

so on this Terrific Tuesday, I decided to put a little xmas cheer together from my stash and award one of my blog readers with a small RAK, just in time for Christmas since I'm going the the post office this week.....a  "Just because RAK " since I am grateful for all of those who continuously read my blog and are inspired by my kooky randomness!  You all inspire me with stories and personal emails ...just a small way of saying THANK YOU and HAPPY HOLIDAYS...so on that note, the random fan winner of this small gift is.................

  NITASHA....hey girly, send me your snail mail to bluequeen4@hotmail.com    ASAP :):)

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  1. Those presents look amazing- you all are a blessing! Oh, and I love 'Christmas Cheer'!!! Thank you so much for your pure sweetness! E-mailing you right now...


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