
We finally get a tree! Thankful Thursday!!

By kate blue - Thursday, December 15, 2011

and finally got a tree in the house yesterday...a big spruce even though I need to add more lights to it :)  Anyway, Thing 2 was super excited but I couldn't get any good shots since my camera really hates indoor shots...Santa is definitely gonna gift me a decent camera and an ipad next year....
So for Thankful Thursday, we are thankful that we have each other....7 years ago, we thought that we'd have this boy home at Christmas but at Thanksgiving, he got so sick and didn't recup like we thought.  We were at Evangel Temple and had made plans to bring him home and then we got "THE CALL"...he was too sick.... so it was back to square one.

so, here we are 6 years later and this is the FIRST year that he "kinda" understands Christmas (but not a wishlist thank goodness!) and so we are extremely HAPPY and THANKFUL! The gift of HEALTH trumps presents any day....and for those of you with sick children, just know that MIRACLES do exist....I know first hand that we had a boxful of them during this kid's first 3 years of life....***Nat, we are still praying for you, J and the family**  Love you girl!! Keep your faith and just know that I of all people understand the struggle and juggle.
isn't he super cute ????

What are you THANKFUL for ?? Do share !!!

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  1. A beautiful story of gratitude! Even though my two boys definitely understand 'wish lists' (a little too much wishing on thier parts :), I am grateful that they also have big hearts and always seek to adopt an angel or donate new toys to children who are less fortunate during the holidays! They give me a run for my money most days, but I am so grateful that they both have golden hearts!

  2. I'm thankful I read this post- Miss Lola is driving me bananas and I'm worrying that I'm spoiling her- that I'm not doing a good enough job- a million things go through my head on bad mood days like today. But I read this and I understand- it's going to be alright- thank you my lady. ;)
    I just heard in the news a baby who was born at 24 weeks is going home today with no further complications- I'm hearing the message but am I listening? Yes. Yes I am.

  3. What a wonderful story - he's so handsome! Miracles do happen and we need to share them! I have three walking miracels in my house too! Thanks for the inspiration! I may have to make a post about it!(PS you are so right - the journaling on my LO is what made the pub!)


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