
I'm Guest Designing later this week! Save the date!

By kate blue - Monday, July 09, 2012

here's a peek of the project I made as the upcoming GUEST DESIGNER over at the Child's Play challenge blog.  I was quite surprised to be asked by Tiffany if I would be their July guest designer! And as part of the Queen's Royal birthday month celebrations, how could I say no??  I won't even tell you what this month's challenge is , on WEDNESDAY, July 11th,  you'll have to POP BY the Child's Play Challenges blog yourself , check out my full reveal, say "HI" and join in on the fun!  I will give you ONE tiny hint:  MOON...that's it...my lips are sealed !

I did use my October Afternoon Rocket Age stash that I have hoarded.....so, jump over, get inspired, then come back and let me know what challenges you'll be joining in on :):)...I will reveal the full layout on Friday :)

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  1. Congrats, Kate!!!! I love that blog so much.

  2. Can't wait to see the full reveal Kat, I love your work, hopefully there will be a challenge to inspire me :)

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