
who's SMASH*ing???

By kate blue - Monday, July 09, 2012

 Everyone who knows me knows that I am a SMASH* junkie...and yep, there's even two SMASH*aholic groups on Facebook- COME JOIN US!  Or, if you aren't on Facebook, you can still join Kellie and crew on the SMASH*aholics blog! There is tons of inspiration and challenges to get you started and to keep you motivated to SMASH*   I am on my second book that is travel related even though I haven't filled it very much:

So, that brings me to another birthday giveaway! One of the Queen's lucky followers will receive this super cute mini SMASH*book along with some super cute embellishments to go in it! (will add in another picture on Thursday)**
To win this prize, SPREAD the WORD!  You do have to be a follower &you need to leave a comment answering this:

I'll be drawing all birthday blog winner prizes on my actual birthday, JULY 13th! Good luck !

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  1. First of all, Happy Birthday! Secondly, I just started following your blog and wanted to say I LOVE your background. As for how I got into Smashing- I'm disabled and homebound and was looking for things to do. I used to scrapbook and was playing around with an art journal. I stopped into a local scrapbook shop and saw Smashbooks and instantly my mind thought "Scrapbook + art journal = Smash book!" and I've been addicted ever since! :) Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

  2. I am so glad you posted your blog addy on the Smashaholics page! I really love your style and have enjoyed looking through your posts! New follower! =)

    Smashaholic Sister =)

  3. Happy birthday for 13th. Your pages are amazing. I bought my first SB a few months ago as I was intrigued by them. Didn't do anything but look at it for a long time. Went to USA on vacation and Michaels had them on sale so I bought 2 more! Smashed vacation memories and was hooked! Loving smashing now.

  4. Well, I do scrapbook and I like photos for memory. Smash is bit different but can do same thing. I am trying to keep my memories in book so that I can look at later without looking through the box.

  5. Happy Birthday! I only started smashing earlier this month and already I've forgotten how I got into it! I saw someone's post about how their smash book and had just arrived and they had post a youtube link, which got me curious! I went and had a search and decided that it was definately something for me. I already scrapbook and I see my Smash journal as an extension of that but for everyday things!

  6. Happy Birthday for the 13th, I'm new to Smashbooking and I've done a few pages but I still have a lot to learn. But I'm really enjoying myself. I love all the inspiration from FB and I'd really love the chance to win a Smashbook as I've got a note book I'm filling up at the moment :0)
    Love CLairebears x

  7. I got a Smash book as a prize in an Oh My Crafts contest early last year. After staring at and wondering what the hell to do with it, I found the Facebook group which gave me the courage to jump in. I love smashing!! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  8. Wishing you a very happy upcoming birthday! I got into Smashing by accident. I was surfing videos on YouTube and came across someone talking about their Smash book. I loved the idea and have been hooked ever since.

    Tracy Harper

  9. Sandy Wienholz1:17 PM EDT

    Happy Birthday Kat! Guess what - the 13th is my birthday too! I am new to Smashing but I've been scrapbooking for years. I saw a youtube video on smash books and was hooked.

  10. HAppy Birthday Fellow Smasher!! Is always great to see smash pages in blog!! Yours are so amazing!! I LOVE the papers and embellies!
    TFS!! Take Care!!
    Jennie @ http://earthyscrap.blogspot.com/

  11. Wow, so very very glad I followed this blog! Your pages are absolutely amazing :)

    I started smashing because I found out through a friend how fun it was for her. I've always been into scrapbooking but that seems to take so much thought and planning sometimes. Plus, I cut out scraps of things and keep memento's from everywhere I go and this seemed like such a good idea in order to keep those things in one neat spot.

    Keep up the awesome work on your page!

  12. Anonymous5:22 PM EDT

    Happy Birthday! I started smashing to have a record of my running accomplishments which I started 12 weeks ago. I've now done 3 5K and two more before the end of the summer. Then onto bigger races!

    Anna Louise Downing (adowning@loyola.edu)

  13. sarah hardy5:38 PM EDT

    Happy Birthday :-) sending lots of sparkles ur way!
    from being a young girl ive always loved paper, pens, stationary etc, So telling someone that loves crafting will understand how when you say "u love to just sit and stroke the papers" dont look at you like u have 10 heads!!! LOL
    My mother is a very keen crafty person who sadly is disabled and thats what she does to pass on her days,so i suppose that was my first insperaton and when she told me about these i had to get them, which is why now i do have them all and most days i do just stroke my smash books HE HE HE x

  14. Happy Birthday! Well I started smashing around a month ago. I was at michaels and saw the smash book section and decided to give it a try since the books were half off and ive been hooked ever since!

  15. Happy Birthday. i started scrapbooking about 12 years ago, and was kinda looking for something new....found Smashing...and I was off & running!! LOL

  16. Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy your day. I started smashing when i saw a few bloggers post about it. It looked like something I would enjoy doing. so I bought my first book and its been history since then. Thanks for the chance to win.

  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I first started Smashing when I was accosted by a demo person at Michaels. I loved the book and my sister bought it and the stamp for me that day and I have been hooked since!

  18. Michelle Z7:03 PM EDT

    Happy Birthday!
    I started smashing about ten years ago....in a notebook. And when the books came out, I knew it was LOVE. <3

  19. Kat, hmm.. how did I get into smashing, well I don't know how into it I am but so wanting to be, I saw the stuff at my local M's and bought myself a book and 3 additional items, but for some reason I am letting it intimidate me, I need to get some more embellishments and badly need some inspiration, so I will check out the facebook group thanks :)

  20. Fab giveaway! I still have not Smashed yet. (sad face). I have an idea swirling around in my head. I need to get started on making one while I'm off this summer.

  21. oh your smash book is so cool !

  22. Anonymous10:17 AM EDT

    I LOVE smashing :) It's super fun and yours is so great!

  23. Hey! I'm a SmashJunkie, too! So glad you found and commented on my blog so that I could find you! I love your blog. You're terrific!


  24. Anonymous6:06 AM EDT

    Nice work, regards


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