Mojo Monday! Pumpkin time!
I know, I's been awhile...I solemnly swear I have been up to nothing crafty! Well, maybe a few things but I can't find the pictures that I swore I took so that post will have to wait for another day...So, for Mojo Monday, and since Halloween is swiftly approaching, I will just share some great sites that will help you get your mojo up and running in the pumpkin area, especially if you are like me and don't even have your pumpkin s carved yet! Halloween's not a big deal here in our house...Thing 1 is old enough to do her own thing (translation=still trick or treats in our neighborhood since she was born & raised here) and Thing2 still thinks its kinda scary so he only does maybe 3 streets and he doesn't really like candy so...there ya go!
I personally have tried my hand at extensive carving and it is pretty fun so, when I do get around to getting some gourds this weekend, I'll paint one and then carve one. has great free pumpkin stencils that you can download and they do have autumnal themes :) as well as spooky :)
for ParaNorman and 99+ other really really FREE cool ones, go here to ORANGEANDBLACKPUMPKINS.COM
hope you'll send me a note with the link to your pumpkins! I'd like to feature those who are crafty and great carvers over the next week leading up to October 31st!
Kat: My son and I love to carve pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns. Okay I am the carver, he scoops the pulp, and together we bake the seeds. As soon as we carve our pumpkin, I'll forward the photo.
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