It's a wee-wind! and Winterings is up at LYB!

By kate blue - Thursday, December 06, 2012

I had every intention of having a new exciting post BUT some crazy germs are floating around and so the boy child has been home sick for 4 days and now momma has finally succumbed into the germs as well.  I finally crawled outta my bed to do a few things (but trust me, it was a bad idea), the car had his grubby paws out for a new battery, christmas lights half working and half not, and everything's off schedule holiday, the mojo left the building...BUT, we can do a wee rewind can't we??

Last year around this time, I had some other Little Yellow Bicycle supplies and made this:

but this year, it's all about the Winterings collection and Little Yellow Bicycle has started the reveal of this awesome collection!  Their Biker Chicks (DT) are up first before we gals from the Cycling Team come up next week....Sorry I forgot to mention that yours truly won't be up on their blog until next week; it's all good though, you'll still be hit with tons of inspo!    Here's a peek of Robbie's creation:
are you ooohing and aaahing over the blue & white combo??  Yeah, I did too!  Hop over to their BLOG see the reveals that they've done so far!  Enjoy! Am off to self medicate and sleep this bug off!

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