
Creating with Heidi!

By kate blue - Sunday, June 16, 2013

I know, I have been on a Heidi kick..heck, she's talented, crafty, a great blogger, what's not to love?? ( I won't say anything about what she's going thru with the boy child other than I AGREE)   and oh yeah, isn't she super cute? 

She's started a new venture- well, actually more than one but hey, just go over to her blog and check her out...but she is is definitely a trend setter cause she started this new blog, has some new paper/embell collections (and yes, I do have the Sunkissed collection, thanks to her blog hop) but the reason I post is because she is offering classes..and did I say they were TWO BUCK CHUCK classes??

Who does that?????  Heidi Sonboul, that's who!  I decided to try one JFF to see if her word was bond and all I can say is, Heck to the Yeah it was worth it!  Did I stick to the class instructions? NO...I hate to measure, I cannot measure, I did not measure but guess what?  I still like how my layouts turned out. 

I cannot reveal the class, but you use your own supplies (stash busting* hooray!!) and I assembled my mini kit:
and then followed the class  KINDA SORTA....hey, I have the attention span of a flea!  Had to do 2 layouts, one for the girls book so hers is more flowery/floral/girly :
and then for the boy:
Normally I never scrap the same picture but this one was a special event they did with Kimberly Fine Portraiture for a charity event benefiting the Johns Hopkins Children's Center...Thing 2 had just finished his reign as their champion sick (but now well) child ambassador and it was our way of giving back for a great cause :0    This was one of the ones they used for promotional purposes and it was a fun day all around.
So there ya go...she offered a $2 class and you learn great techniques and it makes you wonder why we are paying $35 for a class (just sayin)....hop over to her blog and sign up, you won't be disappointed!            

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  1. Loving the lo's!! GORGEOUS colors and designs!!

  2. I love the layout and portrait with your kids and Happy Father's day to you Dad!

  3. WOW! i love how you created one for each of their books and they are so detailed and gorgeous i had to take a second look to see that it was the same exact picture, love them♥

  4. So FUN to see your 'takes' on Heidi Sonboul's class! LOVE your versions! Thanks for sharing too. And i love your comments... too fun!


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