
Can I get a What What Wednesday??!

By kate blue - Wednesday, September 04, 2013

If you have a messy scrap space (as I sometimes do), one way to get it clean is to invite some folks over for a class/scrapbook day ! My sister (who is super duper neat -she lives in another state so she is not subjected to this foolishness often) and my bff (who is also super duper neat) are coming over in 2 weeks for a crafty weekend and surely I could NOT let them see THIS:
or THIS:
or even THIS foolishness:  (I've been throwing things outta one closet onto the table and then things got out of hand.  Translation = too many supplies and too many projects that haven't been started!
The cleanup began..I put on a movie and dug in one night after the kids went to bed: And 2 nights later, VOILA!

I was on a roll!  Last night again, I put on a movie on my desktop-I am not really a movie person so I put on Talladega Nights for the 6th time-Ricky Bobby makes me laugh and I didn't have to really watch it to laugh-I know most of the parts- Shake AND Bake!!))-I opened up an 8 foot table and removed everything out of my scrap totes, dumped all the Counterfeit Kits that I had used bits and pieces of, dumped other kits and embellishments that were in ziplock bags, sorted, purges, organized and created new kits!  So far, I have 10 new kits all without spending any cash !!! 
So, the next time your space gets outta control, invite a NEAT friend over and get busy before they get there!  My only goal now is to keep it clean and tidy until they get here :)::)

*whole room reveal tomorrow :)

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  1. How cool is that!!! I can't wait to share this with my friends. They did an awesome job!

  2. Hmm, when I can I get an invite to scrap in the Queens cavern ?

  3. Looking good! I can completely identify with the unfinished projects. Looking forward to the full reveal.

  4. You go Girl !!! great job.


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