almost Terrific Tuesday-I got issues !!

By kate blue - Monday, January 27, 2014

Paper Issues and Flair issues that is....if you have never placed an order from the Paper Issues shoppe OR A Flair for Buttons, I feel for ya!  48 hrs after ordering, I had both of these hot little goodies in my hands :):)

since my layouts for Scrap Our Stash were caught up (reveal tomorrow,) I got to just create some layouts just for me!  While the boy was working on math (yes, he has weekend work), I set up a little crafting space on the dinner table and did get 2 layouts done :)


 ** Epoxies: Teresa Collins,  Papers:  MME, Little Yellow Bicycle, other stash and the bff cut me out the super dupa cool reindeer from some gorgeous glitter paper and her Silhouette :)

*BUTTONS:  Shelley H-A Flair for Buttons Etsy shoppe
**recycled/upcycled the snowflakes from an old  vintage Making Memories packaging that I had hoarded in my Christmas stash-don't hate, appreciate!

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