
April already??! and some SOS winners

By kate blue - Tuesday, April 01, 2014

March was truly crazy-not only did I have the hand injury, but I got sick over the weekend and since I couldn't shake the fever, I actually was one of the crazy people who got "half dressed" (translation=sweatpants over pajamas, tshirt, slouchie cap and sneaks) and drug herself to the Minute Clinic on a SUnday...2 hours later, a strep diagnosis, some RX, some tea and I was back home in my bed...today, back up and running!  Amazing this gift that man calls modern medicine!  It wasn't pretty I tell ya and my son deserves an award for being the GOOD SON while mommy was sick-it was just me & him for 90% of the weekend and he kinda had to fend for himself which included eating poptarts and potato chips for dinner one night-he'll never see that again!
So anyway, it's APRIL but not an APRIL FOOLS DAY!  I said I would have two winners of my little treat boxes (BELOW) for some lucky Scrap Our Stash birthday crafters and dang, ya'll blew us out the starting gates last month!! ALMOST 300 ENTRIES and still going!!!!!

As always, I use an extremely scientific method of randomly picking winners-I ask my kids for a number :):)  So, the TWO LUCKY WINNERS OF MY RAK's ARE  
#141 SANDY W and # 233 BARBARA G! Send me an email to: bluequeen4@hotmail.com
I am gonna be traveling soon and so who's to say that I might pick another winner of a surprise RAK after the Scrap Our Stash bday bash closes and I get back?? Check back sometime after the 7th and see!

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  1. Oh My Goodness! Thank You Queen Kat; I am super excited to be a winner! Sending you an email now. Sandy W.

  2. I was so excited I totally forgot to say I am glad you are feeling better. Pop Tarts and Potatoe Chips? Sounds good to me.

  3. Glad you are feeling a bit better! And Congrats to the winners! Thanks for stopping by my empty for too long blog and letting me know that there are people out there that care! big hugs!! Stacy H-W


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