
It's a Wonderful Wednesday!

By kate blue - Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Despite the rain, it is a wonderful Wednesday...everything I need to really do is done and if there is something I've forgotten, oh well...we have simplified the holidays by about 50% and I'll admit, it feels pretty darn good!
This week was so wonderful-we welcomed old & new friends in for a holiday Open House get together and since it was my first holiday party ever, I forgot to put out  some food stuff but it was a learning curve for the next one!  It made me feel great just getting to enjoy what the holidays should be about-fellowship and laughter and conversation!

Hope all of you are ready for the holiday-but just remember:  If you aren't, who will really notice?
I was so busy hostessing that many people didn't get a pic so I'm sorry!  Next time the camera will be at the door!

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