
What's Your Word??

By kate blue - Wednesday, January 07, 2015

 On this WORDY WEDNESDAY, The DT at Challenge YOUrself and I  have a new challenge for you!  It's a new year and a fresh start!! We thinks it's the perfect time to think about YOUr One Little Word !

Challenge YOUrself #14: One Little Word
Choose a word that you will focus on and reflect upon all through the year and create a layout that celebrates your chosen word.
Remember to include YOU in the photo :)

One Little Word was created by Ali Edwards and is defined as a word that you invite into your life and let it speak to YOU.  You focus on and reflect upon this word as you go about your daily life.  There's no right or wrong word.  The main thing to remember is that it is YOUr word.
 If you are new to this, you can learn more about Ali Edward's One Little Word Concept HERE...

I mentioned yesterday that my 2015 word was JOYFUL. 2014 was a bit rough in some ways and I found myself being depleted mentally and emotionally by life vampires and so in 2015, I am making some changes for myself- not multitasking as much, not micromanaging as much, letting folks figure it for themselves more and being ok with it and just making sure MY cup is full FIRST...Hence, getting my joy back and choosing to be JOYFUL.  I want and need my inside to match my outside :)

Link up your OLW projects with us! One lucky winner will win a $15 GC to Peachy Cheap! Deadline to link up at Challenge Yourself is Feb 4th! See blog for details and for all the DT inspiration & words :):)

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  1. awesome layout Kat - love the gold doily!
    My word for 2015 is "steadfast" … I'll definitely be making a page to document it; hopefully soon so I can link up with Challenge Yourself :)

  2. You will make this goal! Like the diagonal design.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Beautiful word, beautiful smile, and beautiful layout.

    I gave it some thought and decided my word for 2015 is REST. Layout will be forthcoming :-)

  5. Gorgeous, Gorgeous, gorgeous layout!! LOVE the gold and that lovely pic of you!!!

  6. Fabulous as always!

  7. I love your word and your amazing layout! Such a creative design and wonderful photo!!!!!

  8. Really amazing layout with great color and word. And your smile on photo is really happy, nice picture :)


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