Thankful Thursday

By kate blue - Thursday, September 03, 2015

It's a Thankful Thursday and I am thankful for a lot of reasons but the biggest one is this:
 For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is my friend Deb (who also happens to be a scrapbooker-its how we accidentally met many years ago!)-This picture was taken July 24 at my surprise 50th birthday party....she happened to be the "official photographer" since they were wagering bets that 1.) I wouldn't be surprised and 2.) I would no cry....I WAS truly surprised cause they tricked me into thinking I was going on a dinner date with my hubby (I clean up pretty good for a date) and yep, I did the ugly Oprah cry!  I didn't even know Deb owned a really nice camera and I love photos when I'm dressed up and so I was glad that I made her take a lot of photos with me!

But little did I know that one month later that this woman would be lying in Shock Trauma, clinging to life due to a freak accident with a vehicle.  I get choked up thinking of how scared she was and knowing that she might've lost her life.  She is still hospitalized and will be for some time, has undergone multiple surgeries with more to go, but THANK GOD, she is alive and can speak (and text lol)-she has a long road to recovery but she has a PHENOMENAL support network and I (we) are THANKFUL that she is still her to continue her work as a phenomenal mother, daughter, aunt, therapist and friend.

It made me again realize that YOU have to get in the pictures; that #ALEIDASCHALLENGE is IMPORTANT.  We should always show that we LIVE and love life!

Please say a special prayer for Deb, her daughter and her family tonight; I know she will be thankful :)

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