
Happy Monday!

By kate blue - Monday, June 21, 2021

 Coming to you with a "CliqueCon" (like Comic-Con but for scrapbookers lol)  layout since we are all about the FANDOMS this June! I could've scrapped about so many and I may go back and do Schitt's Creek and Handmaids Tale later,  but for now,  I started wirh my favorite book to movie pair-  Hieronymus "Harry" Bosch and J.Edgar of the Michael Connelly's AmazonPrime adaptation of the Bosch series . 

Am sad that the series is ending this year but I liked that they did it real time and aged the series properly like the book
 character.   You still have time to join our Facebook Group, The Clique and show us who you love! It's it Dr. Who/Hello Kitty/ Harry Potter/ all things Disney or someone else??


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