
Am still not 100% but you know....

By kate blue - Tuesday, October 28, 2008

how it is; moms never get to just lay around and be sick; especially if hubby is traveling. My head feels like it's about to explode and why aren't I in bed??? Am on my way there but thought I'd make a pit stop to vent AND to post a few pics of the pumpkin farm visit. Since everybody has been sick for about 3 weeks now, we didn't go early enough this year, it was the last day for pumpkins and the pumpkins looked awful. AND it didn't help that Thing 1 and Thing 2 decided to show their asses out in public and in front of company...don't ask me why they both decided it wasn't their day to make me look good and and despite the fact that Brandon can't talk doesn't mean he doesn't go into HOLY TERROR mode. He was acting like a crazy kid on 100 sugar pills.....

I wanted to really inflict some punishment on both of them but didn't since I didn't feel so great. Trust me, if I had felt better; 2 kids woulda been in bed early with soup for dinner. So nonetheless, I have really crappy pictures (insert now).

I'm disappointed cause I just finished this really cute leaf mini book from EK Success that I thought was gonna be filled up with some amazing fall pictures.

Anyway, I'm off to bed................

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