
Rach has a giveaway today- Bev does too

By kate blue - Tuesday, January 06, 2009

http://papercraftsbyrach.blogspot.com/ has a fantastic picture of a great giveaway on her blog-let's me know I shoulda posted some pictures of my stash!

Bev has some stuff that I would sOOOOOOO LOVE to have-but als, I must share the link so ya'll get a chance too :) http://bevscrafts.blogspot.com/ and yeah, one day, I shall learn how to add a link in here correctly!

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  1. Thanks for the candy mention Kate. good luck. hugs rachxx

  2. OHHHHHHHH so glad I found you blog!!!! Thanks for sharing your awesome creativity -- i will be back!

  3. Anonymous5:29 PM EST

    Hi Kate and thanks for visiting my blog and for your congratulations on my winning the Chiyogami giveaway. I'm having a little technical hiccup on my blog and for reasons way too boring and complicated to explain, your comment will be lost when I fix it. Just wanted to let you know in case you were back, that I didn't delete it willfully. I welcome you to visit again and comment any time you like...hopefully this problem will not happen again. Cheers!
    Gretel @ www.meyerodell.com


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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