
VE(eronica} J rocks!

By kate blue - Saturday, February 28, 2009

This hails from the suber (super and uber combined) fabulous Ms. Veronica Jennings! She can be seen at Memory Makers Masters' blog, Jacked,One Little Word and possible more places just to name a few...Check out her blog (again in the title since I can't figure out how to link stuff)for more inspiration & cool stuff.

Her layout here inspired me to scrapbook about parts of Brandon's journey and some of the weird pictures I took when we were undergoing the whole hearing loss thing. I lifted this LO and have private journaling on the back of the layout-private words for his eyes ONLY...HER ORIGINAL:

I decided to scrap outside my layered cluttered box I have no idea why I didn't reverse the black felt with the teal felt-forgot about having to take a picture of it :)

...I think that once she does join us "norhners" up here in Howard COunty, she & Essandra would be great scrappers together since they have similar (but not the same) scrap styles (clean lines deconstructed stuff)..........I felt honored that she would allow me to lift her creativity.

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  1. thanks for the lift!!! :) so awesome you went outside your creative box, looks awesome! :)


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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