
I'm terrible

By kate blue - Thursday, June 18, 2009

I lose brain cells when I am sick-I got this lovely lovely RAK from somebody in blogland from the great state of Pennsylvania-if you read my blog, can you send me your blog and name so I can officially post those awesome cute goodies!???? Loved everything you sent me and want to send some blog traffic your way!

and speaking of RAKs, I haven't forgotten about mine, I'm just still not up & running at full speed yet...that's what happens when you get sick and are still sneezy and then the sinuses get infected (TMI I KNOW)and the scrapstudio is still a hot mess....I'm thinking about what theme I want to do and what date I want to do it...maybe a Christmas in July kinda thing??? I think I'll do 2 RAKs.....am off to post the 1st pics of "SOME" of the goodies leftover from the charity crop that will be in the RAK package. You know it will involve blog following and a TWIST!

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