
blog down-am out

By kate blue - Wednesday, June 17, 2009

sick....started feeling sick Sunday early evening and it started with a ticklish throat and then by midnight, full blown sick...have been in bed for 2 days! Yup- 2 days and am still feeling cruddy and sore and yukky but since hubby is going to Memphis in the morning, I have no choice but to drag my butt outta bed since Brandon has an early appointment with the opthamologist and B is still in school....at least I got 2 days to suck down Nyquil straight from the bottle tho'. :) Am sad that both Brandon (he who started the germ passing) and I missed his pre-K graduation celebration...will have to do my own photo shoot next week when I feel better.

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  1. Oh goodness! I pray you get over this quick!!!! Drink lots of fluids....

    and get a good night's sleep.

  2. Sorry to hear that you are under the weather and hope you are feeling better soon!

    Glad to hear your Charity Crop was a success!

  3. I sure hope you start feeling better soon! It is no fun when you are sick.


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