
Happy 4th of July!!

By kate blue - Saturday, July 04, 2009

As we celebrate Independence Day here in the USA, let us remember that it's not all about the fireworks and bbqs today...it's about what we think of when we hear the word "freedom"...we take for granted all the liberties and freedoms that those who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence strived for. I know that even though I love to travel, THIS is the best country to live in and be a citizen of; my freedoms as a woman and a woman of color couldn't be afforded anywhere else in this land. For people who have desired Change, this 4th of July is especially significant with the election of and presidency of Barack Obama (hail to the KING- he rocks!!) and how he's changing the face of this nation & hopefully how others have previously viewed this nation in what "I" feel is a positive way (JMO folks, this is MY blog after all)...my family is not participating in the traditional celebrations this year, we are chillng out AT HOME, enjoying a nice (Puerto Rican)dinner, a new beverage (Ken & I are partaking in a new alcoholic beverage courtesy of the Food Network magazine) and the kids will make smores under the stars......way better than dealing with pushy crowds and overpriced food & junk mementos like we did last year.

Great photo courtesy of Richard Drew for the AP network

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  1. As a first generation American, my parents immigrated from Barbados in the early 1900's, the blessings of this country are especially sweet to me. And the tears flowed freely when Pres. Obama was elected. Hopefully our nation is finally growing up and the words inscribed on the Statue of Liberty will apply to ALL of our fellow countrymen.

  2. maryannehoekman52717:34 PM EDT

    happy 4th to you and your family!


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