
July Page Maps contest -LOTD

By kate blue - Friday, July 17, 2009

Loved this sketch by Becky Fleck @ Page Maps blog

and even though it called for a smaller picture size, I knew I wanted to use this BIG picture that had been sitting in my folder all month, so, I took the plunge and kept going with my winter/Christmas in July blog theme...loved how this came out and not just because I LOVE this picture of Thing 1 & Thing 2 together!

Thanks for looking! Liked how the MM papers still kinda went with the road trip theme and cool colors for winter/snow...used some other winter embells from my stash and that cool thing at the top??? A recycled Christmas ornament!!

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  1. Hey Queen Kat! Thanks for leaving a post on my blog, I always love to see new faces. Love your blog too, and especially your "you might also like" at the end of your posts!
    good luck on the pagemaps contest, great lo!

  2. That is an awesome page. good luck.

  3. ゲイにも出会いをする権利はあるのです。もちろんノーマルの方でも興味本位で登録可能ですよ、きっと女性を忘れさせてくれる位の、快楽が体験できるでしょう。専門の掲示板を無料で使ってみませんか

  4. 早く童貞を捨てたいと思っているあなたにピッタリのサイトが誕生!このサイトで長年守っていたあなたの童貞がついに奪われる!?あなたの童貞卒業を優しくサポートしちゃいます☆

  5. 出会いがないならグリーへGO!女の子との出会いを探すなら今はグリーがアツい!ただいま出会いのためのテクニックや裏技を公開中!若い女の子ばかりなので簡単に釣れる♪


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