
Since tomorrow is my birthday, I thought I'd answer some trivia

By kate blue - Sunday, July 12, 2009

for the followers of Queen Kat in the land known as Katsville...these answers
are just for this point in time as I hit the big 4-4 {I'll say it separately (how is that spelled?} instead of the right way 44-YIKES!!!

1.EVER BEEN GIVEN AN ENGAGEMENT RING? Yes, once or was it twice, and what does that tell you about the fools I was dating??

2.LONGEST RELATIONSHIP? My current one with my honey Ken( we have been together for 16 yrs but only married for 12)

3.LAST GIFT YOU RECEIVED? hmm...a scrapbooking RAK from one of my fellow internet scrapbookers

4.EVER DROPPED A CELL PHONE? yes, tonsof times

5.WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU WORKED OUT? 2 days ago-Wii active-need to do it tonight b4 bed

electricity, groceries,scrapbooking supplies and coffee ...in that order.

7.LAST FOOD YOU ATE? Chicken & rice with an amazing salad.

8.FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? Gorgeous sexy smile! (see Terrell Davis, George Clooney, Lamman Rucker and Jerry O'Oonnell if you don't believe me) I may be married but I can still look at a bit of eye candy sometimes...

9.ONE FAVORITE SONG? This week? MAXWELL's Bad Habits from the new CD

10.WHERE DO YOU LIVE? Maryland

11.HIGH SCHOOL YOU ATTENDED: 2 actually- started at Prince Georges High School in Virginia, then we moved {unfortunately} in my senior year and I finished {unfortunately-and I say that for all the silly mean girls who never spoke to me which would be almost all of them} at Monticello High School in Monticello,NY

12.CELL PHONE SERVICE PROVIDER: Verizon since my hubs works for them :)

13.FAVORITE MALL STORE: none- mall ain't my place ....IF I had money and I was skinny though, it'd be J. Crew

14.LONGEST JOB YOU HAD: Government, then left after 13 years-too much politics and no advancement if you didn't play politics

15.DO YOU OWN A PAIR OF DICE? hmm....maybe in the Cranium Kadoo game

16.DO YOU PRANK CALL PEOPLE?: Why? IT's juvenile and caller-ID works


18.FIRST FRIEND YOU'D CALL IF YOU WON THE LOTTERY?: hmmm...not sure I'd want to disclose that to anybody AT ALL....

19.LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR BEST FRIEND?: has it been a week???


Part II tomorrow!!!!

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  1. Thanks so much for the wonderfully nice comments on my blog about my bowling ball gazing ball & layouts!!! It's so nice to see a fresh new face there! It made my day!

  2. Happy Birthday, Kat:)I wish you a day filled with ribbons, embellishments and pretty buttons:).

  3. Happy Birthday to You ,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday Dear Queen Kate,
    Happy Birthday to YOU!

    LOVE all the info!

  4. Okay, I use to live in Maryland! Grew up an air force brat at Andrews. Miss is at times! Did the government thang too! TFS

  5. Happy belated 4-4! :o)

    (I am so behind in reading my blogs that I follow!)

    Hope your day was wonderful!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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