
It's OUR birthday

By kate blue - Monday, July 13, 2009

My birthday..our birthday-gotta say that since my twin sis DOES NOT blog...btw, I'm the cute little one in the pic :)

It's the BIG 44 and so on that note, I took a self pic (no dressup clothes since I worked out and have to run errands) and am glad that the Wii Active personal trainer kicked my royal ass today! It's just a regular day in the neighborhood and Brandon still has to get to therapy so...no party,no fanfare (translation: cheesecake, crabs, shrimp and gifts) from my royal subjects as in year's past..Need to shed pounds! And I need botox!...

I did get this wonderfully amazing card from {L}, can you tell she's a scrapbooker???

and the royal florist did come bearing these beauties from my bff {e}...she knows I ADORE flowers and surprised me with a delivery!!!

Enjoy the pics and rather than do a flashback to the year of our (I have a twin as you saw from the above pic) 1965, I decided to do a playlist JUST during this month (I'm not a fan of music on blogs since I'm always playing my own music loudly in the background-BUT since I'm the birthday girl...))

flashing back to my graduation year of 1983 hehehehe **I'm a MANIAC!

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  1. Anonymous3:10 PM EDT

    Happy Birthday! And I also LOVE flowers, I don't care who they come from - they make your day don't they?

  2. Hope it was a blast!!

  3. Nephew Kirk10:42 AM EDT

    Those are really nice flowers, I didnt know you blogged!!

  4. fantastic pictures! You are a beauty at 44!~ Happy Birthday!

  5. how cute!happy belated birthday , Queen Kat...your birthday is the day after mine ;)hope you had oodles of shrimp yummmo


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