
Charity crop for a good friend of mine

By kate blue - Sunday, August 02, 2009

As most of you know, my friend Mandie's daughter Paige, was diagnosed at the age of ONE with a brain tumor....She underwent numerous surgeries and 33 radiation treatments. She is now 5 ½ and cancer free!!! Mandie and her family are trying to find new ways to help fund the foundation responsible for saving her daughter. There are many families who are not so “lucky” and need there to be more research done. To read more about Paige, visit her site here @ CaringBridge and so on that note,

She is hosting a Crop for Kids at Oliver's Carriage House in Columbia, MD on August 29th, 2009. Please join us from 10:00am to 8:00pm to CROP FOR KIDS. The cost is $30 and includes food, door prizes, goody bags and fun! Also, there will be raffle tickets sold for product as well!

All proceeds will go to the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation (http://www.pbtfus.org) The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation is a nonprofit charitable organization that seeks to find the cause of and cure for childhood brain tumors as well as increase public awareness about the severity of childhood brain tumors.

Please email Mandie Setzer @ msetzer@27seconds.com or contact her @ 443-799-3670 to sign up. All spots will be sold in advance. Thanks!!!

We're hoping to have 20 new signers this week- bring a friend!!!!!!! I am tempted to do a special custom RAK for a lucky person who signs up this week AND comes to the crop! Let me know when you sign up :)

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