
RAK still going on! Not up to 40 followers yet!

By kate blue - Friday, August 07, 2009

Fall cleanup still going on! That means RAKs are involved :)

REPOSTING THIS: Since CHA has passed,that means that our LSS's will soon be offering tons of new goodies so...and since I want to start early, I am starting the "purge" of the studio {kinda-30 % purge}...am gonna offer up some theme related GO GREEN kits as RAKs once I get to at least 40 followers-yep you gotta be a follower of the blog and give me a way to contact you....Let the fun begin!

The first kit was posted below already and will go into the scrapcave again tomorrow and create another one...post on your blogs people! The more, the merrier! Maybe I'll share some of the new Basic Grey Eerie collection that I just won-can't get it in stores yet!!!!

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