
My Friday Scrap "PERSON"......

By kate blue - Friday, October 09, 2009

THIS IS A FIRST but hopefully not a last- I usually feature a "SCRAPGAL" of the week but this week, I have a surprise- I GOTTA GUY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Folks, but your hands together for Scrapbook Joe- this dude puts some scrappy chicks to shame and OMG, I wished I lived in California near him just so I could babysit his studio...he has all things T!m and more,{ gotta love that} and hell, just go to his blog and look at his creations and layouts, you will be like WHAT???  Cause come on, to be honest, we know that scrapbooking is a female dominated industry; I only know 3 guys that scrap-Tim, Tracy and Stephen.... Joe and I have traded email and are now cyberpals :-)  ....I may have to do a scraplift contest lifting one of his layouts along with a cool prize sometime....so for now, head on over to Joe's  and of course, tell him Queen Kat sent ya!

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