
*******Fashionable Geek Challenge

By kate blue - Thursday, October 08, 2009

over at Candy Shoppe Designs -Geek is the new black*******due Oct 10th
-The base of your Paper Creation should be BLACK. {MY FAVORITE base}... It doesn't have to be all black or even plain black, but black. With that said, you don't have to create a layout. It can be any kind of Paper Creation (a layout, a card, a mini album, an altered item, etc.).

-The title/journaling on your Paper Creation (should you choose to add one) should be WHITE. {done}
-You must include a PLAID, CHECKERED or ARGYLE PRINT (mine is argyle I guess) and
-You must include an APPLE. It doesn't matter how many. {I did the black apples}

these are my FAVORITE people (for clarification-these are my AUNT & UNCLE pictured with MY kids)  in the world and I never thought in my wildest dreams that that particular photo shoot would be the last time that my kids saw my aunt...she passed away unexpectedly after that and I miss her each and EVERY day, more than I've ever missed anyone in my life....she was and will always be the "APPLE OF MY EYE"  :)  

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  1. You are definitely right aboutgrandparents being the apple of your eye. Mine are as well. Love your apples. Fab job!!

  2. Super!! Love this!You did a great job, thanks for playing along!!

  3. Awesome page!! Love the photos and the apples ;)


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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