
Howard County Office of Special Education Events

By kate blue - Thursday, November 12, 2009

just an FYI for my local readers **


Tuesday, December 1st 7:00-9:00p.m.
Thursday, December 3rd 7:00 -9:00p.m.

Faulkner Ridge Center
10598 Marble Faun Court
Columbia, MD 21044

This course teaches basic sign language with modifications and adaptations as needed for individuals with special needs. Learn how to use signs to help your child communicate, handle social situations and reduce tantrums. The class is perfect for families, healthcare providers and educators working with children with cognitive delays, motor difficulties or medical issues that impede speech. This is a two part series; please plan to attend both sessions. Participants will be given a DVD to take home to practice what they have learned. Sponsored by Abilities Network and the Howard County Family Support and Resource Center. Please call 410 313-7161 for more information or to register.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Faulkner Ridge Center
10598 Marble Faun Court
Columbia, MD 21044

This workshop will discuss assessment and parts of the IEP. You are your child's best advocate, come learn how to participate effectively in developing and impacting his or her IEP. This free workshop is sponsored by Parents Place of Maryland and the Family Support and Resource Center. For more information or to register please call 410 313-7161.

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