
Make It Merry-Adornit blog Day One and my attempt @

By kate blue - Wednesday, November 11, 2009

cardmaking...oh sure, THEY say it's easy...I'm part of the blog hop with the merry ladies of "Adornit" and today is CHRISTMAS CARD DAY !  And, as per the merry instructions, it is a 30-minute card project.  So, since there are 32 minutes left till Glee is over; I'm starting the timer....tick tock tick tock tic.........be back soon!

....its 10:04 and I DID IT!  Got 2 cards made AND photographed in well, 32 minutes!  I tried...ya'll know I'm not that good with the whole card making thing but Enjoy and don't forget to keep checking the Adornit blog every day this week for more challenges and fun and ME !

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  1. I love ur creations. The colors are awesome :) tq for dropping by my blog. Will drop by more often! Happy crafting.


  2. Great job! They are so cute and festive!!!

  3. Your cards are awesome. The black and white one - love it love it.

  4. These turned out FANTASTIC!!!! So fun and festive!!! :)

  5. Very nice cards... well done


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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