
I am so blessed in so many ways....

By kate blue - Sunday, November 15, 2009

FIRST, I gotta give mad props to my girl JENNY aka Chez for bringing back "The Queen" and the royalty back to my blog! Sheer genius baby!  I love love love it!!!!!!!!

SECOND:  A special friend left this (stamp & lovely card) for me yesterday;

I found "it" last night (she hid it in open view haha) but it was late so...but isn't the new stamp "fittin'?"  Click on the image for a good close look-couldn't do it myself since I have a very very crappy camera that won't take closeups....I love love love it too!  Me thinks me needs to use it today in a layout along with the card! And it WILL be used in the Teresa Collins BOM that I'm doing so...I'm very grateful for the new friendships that keep coming my way everyday...

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  1. LOVe, love, love the new blog look!
    All hail the Queen!;)


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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