

By kate blue - Sunday, November 15, 2009

I know, it's bad when you host a crop and get 1 thing done...I found these cute little unfinished wood sleds for $ 1 at Michaels and thought they'd be an easy peasey door decor for kids doorknobs @ Christmas...made 2 of them yesterday, one for BB (here) and one for my little friend Delaney (hope she liked it!-I forgot to take a pic of hers)...all you need is acylic paint, glitter ( I used the Martha Stewart glitter which is phenomenal since it's very fine and not overdone), Snow-tex, theme embellishemnts and a little piece of scrapbook paper.  Paint, attach pp, embellishments, as much glitter and snow as you like and VOILA, easy project-dries in about 2 hours.  For the embellishments, I used some cute gift tags from the $ 1 aisle in Michaels and covered up the "to" and "from" areas with bling; they were already glittered so it was quite simple.

ps-Wendi & Kim , look at how the curls are still holding!

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  1. love that sled, those penguins are so adorable!!! this would look so cute by the door. thank you for posting.

  2. What a very cute and creative idea! And, of course, your model holding it, is beautiful! Ah! they grow soooo fast!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (Oh, love your new blog design...very royal :o)


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