
Back up and running-almost @ 100% and some layouts!!

By kate blue - Saturday, January 23, 2010

it was bad-and I don't mean that in a good way-but I finally figured the virus mess out (without help from Verizon) and had to start from scratch-lost all my music {and I had TONS of it}, favorite links & folders, Photoshop.. GONE... lost about 6-8 documents that hadn't been moved to the external drive but were docs I needed for an IEP meeting this week (shit and double shit)-lost about 3 folders of pictures to include Christmas {possibly}...{E} said those pics may be recovered since I had sent some of them to Costco for printing {whew}...lost some Word and Excel docs too but we all know that we can't exactly tell what we lost during a computer crash until we go to find something and it ain't there...but all in all, loss was minimal compared ...

before the crash, I was gonna blog and show pics of the charity crop but sorry, lost those pics!!! Boo Hoo!!
I CAN say this, I thought the crop was a big SUCCESS!  Between the hard work and persistance of Amber and I, we had about 37 scrappers attend-And despite the rain ALL day long and some glitches with the outlets/plugs (I didn't know that the church was still being rebuilt from a previous fire), I thought it went pretty well.  The church gave us access to their full kitchen which was a great blessing, loved having that...We ate great food (thank you Dawn for the beautiful fruit salad; I'm still thinking about that and all theother creative and yummy dishes and desserts were AWESOME-I'll be contacting some folks for recipes taht people requested ) and we met sooo many new friends, some even coming for the first time and giving us the honor of attending their first but not their last crop!!!  I had started these 2 layouts during the day and as co-host, that's all I got done in between socializing and eating...so despite not having any photo editing software, here ya go! Loved all the cute Cosmo Cricket papers so I'm on a scrappin' tangent to get them used...

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  1. GURLLLL, do I know the what you're going through--just went through it myself!--i lost everything--and when i seen the first signs of it acting crazee i shoulda put all my important files on my jump drives or flash drives--but it was tooooo late---so now when i create an important document, i have my pink 4GB breast cancer awareness flash drive right beside me so i can load it up--go get you one my friend--so we won't be in the dark ever again!!---have a great day---oh! the layouts are fantastikal!----remain blessed!!

  2. so sorry that you lost so much but glad you are up and running again :D

    great LO's, love the birdies and the glitter :D


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