
Please pardon me while I take a break from blogging

By kate blue - Saturday, April 24, 2010

for a coupla days...no camera-I broke Thing 1's pocket Polaroid yesterday unfortunately), Memory Makers submission package and forms for 4 layouts are due like YESTERDAY, Candy Shoppe duties call (thanks to all the ladies who submitted to be a part of a fun, honest creative team) and I start a temp job on Tuesday (yep, me, working...thank you all the folks who haven't turned in their Census Forms yet !!  So in between that stuff, laundry, errands and other mom and wife stuff, I'm gonna try and do some creative stuff in there too-I'm just a bit busy and am not used to that...I can't blog without pictures; it just wouldn't be interesting so..break time on the blog...

BUT before I go, I do gotta send a shout out to my Secret Sistah at SOC for making my day by sending me Disney goodies and other stuff I truly "NEED" {smile smile} and also to Caryn aka the Scorpian Crafter, for coming over and bearing gifts like I was her new next door neighbor {wink}-when I get back up and running, Imma show you the ultra cute shirt she bought me (IF it fits :0) along with the Zutter that I bought from her that I don't know how to use but had to have. Have a great weekend everybody and I'll see ya soon hopefully!!

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  1. ooh yikes! The census forms....is it too late? I meant to get to it....I really did.....I think I lost it in my kitchen's junk drawer though.


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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