
Tiare's 10 things request SOC

By kate blue - Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Am so inspired by Tiare and her weight loss journey AND the fact that she is so courageous as to scrap it too ..and since she was interested in 10 things (not fun but true facts) about "ME" (or YOU)-here goes!

1.  I MUST start the day with coffee- and I ain't playin'-the more the better. Unless I'm sick, then it's tea :)

2. I suffer from allergies all year round-Zyrtec is a staple in this household.
3.  I'm addicted to massages-when I can get them!

4.  Time to craft is part of my weekly schedule EVERY week  :)  It feeds my soul and makes me a happier wife & mom! And you know what they say, "If momma ain't happy, then nobody is happy."  It's a golden rule in this house to please the Queen ** (most days anyways)
5.  My husband grants me the luxury of sleeping in on Fridays-that's why I try NEVER to schedule appointments of any kind UNLESS it's absolutely 1000% necessary-yep, a thousand percent   :)

6. I've been scrapping for 5 yrs and I still can't really create great LO's from sketches. I do them, but scraplifting is better for me.
7. I too would really love to lose weight. I mean a lot of weight like about 60lbs! I want to make better food choices (it's the carbs that are my problem) and really get in better shape in 2010.
8. I'm living a totally different life than I was 5 years ago...God had a different plan for me so I guess what I thought was supposed to be my path wasn't it AT ALL   :)
9.  My son's hearing loss has blessed us with many new friends in the deaf community who have bestowed more blessings on us than I can count.  ASL rocks!
10.  I am a HUGE fan of A & E's Intervention and Hoarders-what can I say??? I think those folks really need to get their stuff together-it's quite fascinating. And, I'm a neat freak to some extent- Makes me wanna be a neater person and clean up stuff when I watch both shows!

Not fun facts, but facts....what's on your 10 List?  Send me a link so I can read yours!

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  1. Great list Kate! You can do it...you've probably tackled some big tasks in your life and challenges before..if you can do it once..you can do it again with your health and weight loss. Get those carbs out of the house! Don't depend on your will not to eat them when they are there. You can do it and I'll cheer you the entire way. Go for it...it's worth if for yourself and for your family! Join me in this worthwhile journey!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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