
Well, it was a great week of birthday celebrations

By kate blue - Tuesday, July 13, 2010

full of food, family, friends and fun....I ended today on my actual birthday...but here's some pics to recap-attended my middle school (well, actually, an all school reunion which is WAYYY more fun than just a class reunion), had a sleepover with my sisters, went to dinners with friends here in MD (no pics of that one :(, ran around D.C. and Arlington, listened to music, partied HARD with my sisters, made new friends, made cupcakes with kiddos, opened presents and drank champagne with hubby, and just ate and drank way too much in general...but it was fun!!  I think I should celebrate for a week more often!  Salute to the big 4-5 !!! :)   Back to the real world tomorrow :)

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  1. Looks like you lived up the last few days and seriously had fun! :)

    Happy Birthday!!!! Wishing that this year is nothing but beautiful and blessed for you!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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